The course is offered for the first time by autumn semester 2010. Course responsible: Ramzi Hassan, cooperation with Irene Rasmussen.
The course is based on a combination of lectures, excursions and group work, and consists of a theoretical part, a studio part and a part with introduction into 3D modelling techniques. The emphasis is put on investigation of the added values of using 3D in design and the interpretation of a space. The participants will be provided with an overview of the 3D modelling and visualizations in order to explore some design questions: How does a designed space perform in various locations? What is the impact the designed space has on the surrounding? How does the observer perceive the proposed design? In addition, the course will propose procedures for collaboration and communication for design concepts through interactive display systems (VR-Lab). The VR-Lab will offer an arena for testing new ways of communication and knowledge-sharing, increasing collaboration, motivation and engaged learning.
Students are required to investigate visual tools in order to develop design concepts through applied design methods. They will be able to develop their design practice through a project or a case and communicate design concepts through different media. Students will work in a combination of 3D analogue and digital modelling, sketching physical 3D models and shaping prototypes, becoming aware of the comparative values inherent in different digital and analogue medias. The main aim is exploring the potentials within visual media in order to communicate and design work. Students will be able to develop a visual awareness, through an ability to analyze and self-evaluate their visual approach in their working process, focusing on aspects of the specific visual material one is working with. Students will use digital tools and 3D computer visualization techniques as a supportive tool for working with landscape design and planning issues.
Students work examples: