Friday, December 7, 2012

3D in Design 2012 course. Experience with Lumion3D

Students with intermediate digital modelling skills from ILP (Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning) joined the course with the objective to explore new potentials and complications associated with 3D modelling and visualizations in interaction with landscape, urban systems and dynamics, architecture and construction. The emphasis is put on investigation of the added values of using 3D in design. The course offers the possibilities to work with latest developments in 3D technology for collaboration and communication of design concepts represented by the launch of a new 3D visualization software package for designers “LUMION3D” developed by ACT-3D B.V. The Virtual Reality Lab at UMB provided an arena for testing and experimenting of new ways of knowledge-sharing, increasing collaboration, motivation and engaged learning.

Students were able to test new potentials through a number of study cases connected to the following topics: Outdoor lighting scenarios; urban planning; large scale landscape planning; landscape architecture; designing with plants. The topics were connected to the following courses offered both at ILP and IMT: 
. LAA320 - Outdoor Lighting.
. LAA340 - Sustainable Design and Management of blue/green environmental.
. LAA350 - Architecture, urban form and development.
. LAA 224 - Designing with plants
. TBA310 - Building Design III.

The following students joined the course for 2012: Arta Bilinska, Christina Sæter, Hedvig Godvik Olsen, Hege Tvete, Hege Tjoflåt Borsheim, Jesper Vesøen, Kathrine Jensen, Katrina Ottesen Stone, Knut Runar Bruflot, Kristiana Sakina Novika, Maria Annett Callanta Borgersen, Marianne Finserås Larsen, Ola Martinsen, Pål Dixon Sandberg.

Click on the image to see the photo album of students work

Monday, September 10, 2012

How to model 3D terrain in SketchUp

For many who are using SketchUp as main 3D modeling tool for landscape architectural design and landscape planning, 3D terrain modeling has been seen as a complicated subject. Which methods one should follow has been always a question. Daniel Tal, known from his book “SketchUp for Site Design” has published article on how to model a terrain in SketchUp. A good article outlines methods, techniques and plug-ins to follow in order to create a 3D terrain with SketchUp. Originally published in the October 2012 edition of Landscape Architecture Magazine. You could find the article from this link:Learning to model terrain in SketchUp ( by Daniel Tal, edited by Daniel Jost )

3D terrain from the article by Daniel Tal

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

LAD202 spring 2012: session 1: Basic 3D-modelling with AutoCAD

The first session of the LAD202-course is about basic 3D-modelling within AutoCAD. We take a look at 3 concepts for 3D-models:
  • Wireframe models
  • Surface models
  • Solid models

The exercise is about freeform design and uses techniques from AutoCAD for creating a form or shape and sculpting it like clay or some kind of plastic material. It's fun and powerful and quite something else than the ordinary life of 2D AutoCAD. You can watch a recoring from the exercise here.

The lecture-notes and exercise can be dowloaded from the links provided below.

Complete zipped folder with lecture-notes and exercise - session 1
Lecture notes - session 1
Exercise - session 1

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kompendium for layout

Det er utarbeidet et kompendium som tar for seg hovedprinsippene for grafisk bearbeiding i utforming av en trykksak til presentasjon.

Denne teksten er utarbeidet som en hjelp til landskapsarkitekt-studenter når de skal starte et layout-arbeide. Den er selvfølgelig også gjeldende for andre studieretninger som en innføring til temaet. Teksten er utarbeidet av Ane Valderhaug. Hun er grafiker og gir her en veldig god og kort innføring i hva som man bør legge vekt på når man skal jobbe med layout. Dette er en svært nytting innføring som omhandler det meste man trenger å forholde seg til for å lage god layout.

Last ned kompendiet her