Wednesday, February 1, 2012

LAD202 spring 2012: session 1: Basic 3D-modelling with AutoCAD

The first session of the LAD202-course is about basic 3D-modelling within AutoCAD. We take a look at 3 concepts for 3D-models:
  • Wireframe models
  • Surface models
  • Solid models

The exercise is about freeform design and uses techniques from AutoCAD for creating a form or shape and sculpting it like clay or some kind of plastic material. It's fun and powerful and quite something else than the ordinary life of 2D AutoCAD. You can watch a recoring from the exercise here.

The lecture-notes and exercise can be dowloaded from the links provided below.

Complete zipped folder with lecture-notes and exercise - session 1
Lecture notes - session 1
Exercise - session 1