Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ Plugins

In order to work with SketchUp for landscape site design, we are using some additional functions (Plugins). These Plugins are installed at the computer labs at ILP. If you are using your own computer, you should install it by yourself. Here is a list of Plugins used in the course and the method that you should follow in order to install it. Please note that we are using SketchUp Pro (not the free one): please check the complete document about this subject here .

Name of Plugin:
Name of Plugin file:
Location in SketchUp:
Drop at Intersection
mouse: right-click fly list
Make faces
Tools menu

Progressbar.rb (system file)

Simplify Contours
Plugins menu
RpTreemaker (Zip file)
Plugins menu

You could download it from the following web sites:

For installation:
After downloading the selected file (Plugin). You will see a file end up with extension (*.rb). You place this file into the sub-folder Plugins under SketchUp folder:  C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins. This should work for all Plugins except for Rp Treemaker.

After placing the “*.rb” files in the Plugins folder, you could open SketchUp. You will see that the Plugins are located in different places. Mainly: Plugin menu, Tools menu, mouse: right-click fly list. Here is the location for each Plugin in SketchUp:

Installing Rp_Treemaker
Rp Treemaker Plugin is a ZIP file. This file needs to be extracted first and then installed. After extracting, you find the installation file and click on it. It will place itself in the right place within SketchUp Plugins folder automatically. 
for complete instructions with illustrations, download Plugins document here

Monday, February 22, 2010

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ Terrain modelling

Some selected students work showing terrain modelling for the pergula

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ site modelling

Some selected students work showing terrain modelling and site design

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ site for pergola

Some students work form session 2: fitting the pergola in a site

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ Park bench

Some selected modelling and design students work from the first session.

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ session 4

Modelling a surrounding
In this session we will practice with modelling a 3D surrounding and create pre-defined animation. It is known that modelling landscape and surroundings is a difficult task. In addition, modelling a landscape is a time consuming process. The technique presented here was the outcome of a modelling experiment conducted for the VR-Lab. the technique is based on modelling environment through collection of images of a surrounding.

Main assignment for this session:
We are going to model the surrounding for the park space in front of UrBuilding and then create animation movie. Follow instructions in the assignment documents here and also check the video recorded instruction below:


Monday, February 15, 2010

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ session 3

Working With Terrain and Irregular Surfaces 

In this session we explore terrain modelling techniques using Sandbox. The following features will be explored and used:
  • Creating 3D terrain from scratch.
  • Creating 3D terrain from contours lines imported from AutoCAD.
  • Considerations before importing contour lines to SketchUp.
  • Draping images over a 3D terrain.
  • Stamp objects into the terrain.
  • Make use of the extra plugin’s: Make faces, Simplify contours and Drop at intersection.
For more insight into the Sandbox, you can watch the following YouTube links:  
The Sketchup Show #13: The Sandbox Tools (Pt.1)
The Sketchup Show #13: The Sandbox Tools (Pt.2)
The Sketchup Show #17: Sandbox Terrain (Pt.1)
The Sketchup Show #17: Sandbox Terrain (Pt.2)

3D terrain site for the Pergola
The main exercise for this session is to model a 3D terrain site for the Pergola. You could create a 3D terrain model in SketchUp in various ways. The method described here is based on contour data and site features imported from AutoCAD. In this exercise, you will make use of the Pergola model you created in the previous sessions. Follow the exercise document here, and see the two recorded video instructions below:

3D terrain site for a building 
Here we use Sandbox function to create 3D site for a building. Basically, you will build up a 3D terrain by using the features under Sandbox: From Contours, From Scratch, Smoove. You will also need to shape a sloped walk way using techniques you learned from previous sessions. After you create the landscape, you will then use the Sandbox features: Drape and Stamp in order to place a swimming pool. See the recorded video below:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Autodesk Labs Project Butterfly

Stor nyhet fra Autodesk med Project Butterfly, en mulighet for å dele AutoCAD-tegninger på internett for å vise tegningen til andre, la andre tegne og redigere i den, eller sette opp et møte over tegningen der flere kan redigere samtidig.

Friday, February 5, 2010

LAD202/ 3D modelling with SketchUp/ session 2

Through this session we will explore the following features:
  • Drawing & modifying tools: Circle, Polygon, Entity Info. ( check video link here )
  • Make use of the Tape Measure tool. (check video link here )
  • Create surfaces with Offset Tool. (check video link here )
  • Making use of the Scale tool. (check video link here )
  • Use Paint Bucket tool to render surfaces.(check video link here )
  • Position camera and looking around tool. (check video link here )
  • Introducing Views, Face styles, Shadows, Scenes, Layers and Styles. (check video link here )
  • Export images from the model.

Modelling a  Pergola

    The main exercise for this session is to model a Pergola in 3D. See Figure1 enclosed. You use the basic measurements visible in the figure in order to start with modelling. Basically, you will make use of the main 6 modelling functions: Pencil, Push/pull, Eraser, Orbit, Pan, Zoom. You will notice that 80% of your work time with SketchUp will be using these functions.

 Placing a  Pergola in a site

    Using Style function in order to place the Pergola in a site. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bruke Wblock som purge

Dette innlegget er en oppfølging til innlegget Konvertere en SOSI-fil. Wblock-kommandoen (Write Block) er en annen måte å bli kvitt uønsket rusk og rask i en tegning. Write block lager en ny fil av de objektene i tegningen som man velger. Man kan gjøre det med deler av en tegning eller, som i oppskriften under, hele tegningen. Det kan imidlertid være en god måte å ta ut deler av en tegning for videre bearbeidelse i en annen fil, feks til å trekke ut alle koter til grunnlag for en terrengmodell i Sketchup.
Spesielt i forhold til etterarbeid med å lage et kart fra SOSI-filer kan det være lurt å bruke Wblock istedet for purge. I malfilene i Civil 3D - som feks _NO Civil 3D 2010 1-1 Meter.dwt - følger det alltid med masse ting som ikke trenger å være med i et kartgrunnlag og det er ikke alltid at man blir kvitt de med å kjøre purge. Wblock er mer effektiv. Slik kan den brukes til å rense en hel fil:

  • Åpne kartet (f.eks. det du har konvertert fra SOSI-format) og vær sikker på at den er i UCS World
  • W+enter
  • Base point skal være 0,0,0 for å beholde korrekt  geografisk referanse
  • Klikk Select objects og slå en ramme rundt  objektene i tegningen (evt skriv all+enter)
  • Bla til en mappe med ... knappen og skriv inn et filnavn
  • OK og OK igjen dersom det spørres om Map info. Åpne eller xref den nye fila og du er klar til å ta den i bruk!